(Nouveautés exclus)
Dainese is a market leader in protective gear and clothing for motor cycling and other speed/dynamic sports. The company's range of products is designed and manufactured in accordance with all applicable legislation, technical standards and international regulations. Dainese products offer maximum safety and protection, which are considered as state-of-art, and have been certified and recognized by all relevant accreditation sources.
In keeping with its mission "to promote and provide safety to those engaging in dynamic sports", and with its guiding values ownership, excellence, innovation, responsibility, team spirit, style and transparency - Dainese supports social responsibility and sustainable development and adopts a quality control system implemented in accordance with ISO 9001 standards, satisfying all relevant requisites and continually improving product and service performance through a systematic approach based on risk and opportunity assessment.
Dainese quality policy is based on the following fundamentals:
Safeguarding the final customer
In the day-to-day operations carried out to develop the product range, to select and purchase materials, to handle relations with Suppliers and to manufacture/control processes/products, Dainese and all working associates guarantee that their products are safe and hazard-free. This guarantee is the overriding priority in achieving the goal of safeguarding the customer.
Customer satisfaction
Another Dainese objective is to increase customer satisfaction with both the product and the services offered. In addition to respect for environmental sustainability, respect for people and their living and working conditions, is the aim to increase sales and, with unrelenting commitment, to understand and exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers. All necessary steps are taken to satisfy customer needs and anticipate others likely to arise in the future.
Staff involvement
Dainese staff represents its most important resource. All efforts are made for them to feel an integral part of the organisation, gaining satisfaction from their work and growing from a professional and individual point of view, in part through training and development programs. The entire organisation strives to ensure that the company's code of ethics is understood, shared and respected. Efforts are also made to ensure that the internal atmosphere is conducive to good working relationships and an open exchange of information, enabling all staff to perform their working tasks in a competent, conscious, participatory, safe and optimal manner.
Dainese wants to increase the sustainability of its actions. Its mission is "safety" for its consumers and intends to pursue it through a strong commitment to design products that reduce the risk of injury and can last over time, that use sustainable materials where possible/convenient, realized through a production process with low environmental impact and a "responsible" supply chain both in the environmental and social fields.
Partnering with Suppliers
Dainese sees its suppliers as partners, fully integrated in enhancing the processes value of products/services, and with whom it has established business relationships based on mutual collaboration and success. Suppliers must operate in accordance with Dainese values, translating them into practice, procedures and actions consistent with current safety standards at work legislation and sustainability standards, and with respect for personal dignity and the environment. The quality and safety standards applied to the product, and the need to adhere to time schedules imposed by the market, are objectives shared with suppliers in order to obtain full customer satisfaction.
Continuous improvement
Dainese strives to improve products, services and operations carried out on a continuous basis, by making the best possible use of available resources and ensuring that the multifaceted areas of its business work together in an optimal manner. The aim is for continuous innovation, in terms of both product safety and management methods, to consistently standardise methods and to shorten the "system timeframe". The market and its developments are fully monitored at all times, providing readiness to take advantage of any opportunity for improvements that arise.
Dainese, its staff and associates are committed to respecting all company policies and to the standard of constant process and product improvement over time and to strengthen the image of safety and trust that Dainese transmits.